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3D Resin Printers - Voxelab Feedback

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Great value for money. Very good prints and a great printer for anyone starting with Resin printing. Proxima 6.0 yes
I have literally recommended it when it's on sale for $100, the only caveat is that better printers can be had for similar money when it's not on sale. Proxima 6.0 yes
I got one of the first, so it spoke to Chitu and Lychee natively with .fdg files. Good light distribution, nice results for 2K, and a robust build, but those noisy A4988 drivers have to go. Proxima 6.0 yes
Great beginner printer. Build plate was a bit rough. Proxima 6.0 yes
The front lcd panel for the menu is a bit loose, but overall the machine is very sturdy and feels well built. It has a feature that after a certain amount of layers printer it prompts a reminder to change the FEP film, which is fine for me. The main issue i find is that is dependant of the svgx ext. Proxima 6.0 yes
I'm new to resin printing but this printer has a lot of good qualities. Auto leveling is a breeze and using the machine is easy. The only downside is that the software is difficult to install and there seem to be very few videos online of setting it up. Good software otherwise Proxima 6.0 yes
It is a great beginner 2K mono printer for around 119 dollars on amazon. Proxima 6.0 yes
It's a great low cost 4k resin printer that I wish more people would cover. The customer service was great. It's compatible with Chitubox and Lychee slicer. Last thought I know that most people get nervous about a no name company, but the fact of the matter is they are part of the FlashForge family Proxima 8.9 yes




IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION : The information, data and comments pertaining to the 3D Resin Printer Experience were gathered from individuals claiming to be genuine owners / users of the said printers. Whilst every effort is taken to remove bogus entries, I can offer no guarantee to its accuracy. Currently there is insufficient data available for any truly reliable conclusions to be reached and thus readers are advised to perform their own research. Any opinions stated within the realms of this data don’t necessarily reflect my own views, and whilst I’ve strived to keep the content “family friendly,” it’s possible things slip through. As such discretion is advised. If you have any concerns, then please don't hesitate to contact me.