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3D Resin Printers - Phrozen Feedback

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It may have 4k... But this model has a crappy UV light. It causes a whole bunch of problems. After talking on groups, this is not just our case. Something can be printed, but it is an agony. You have to change the UV lamp, remove the film on the screen because the table does not adhere evenly, etc. Sonic 4K no
Amazing quality. This is how it should be done. Sonic 4K yes
I love my 3D printer. It's super easy to use, it doesn't take up much space, and it can do so much. Sonic Mega 8K yes
very good Sonic Mega 8K yes
Great machine, very quiet, and awesome quality Sonic Mega 8K yes
It can be used to make cosplay props. Sonic Mega 8K yes
It is a great printer, however, I would discourage beginners and casual hobbyist from investing in this machine as mistakes can be time-consuming and costly. I've had to contact support for replacement of the front display screen and the LCD. Overall I am extremely pleased with customer service. Sonic Mega 8K yes
It is a great and reliable company with good customer support. Would surely recommend Sonic Mega 8K yes
I'm blown away by the Sonic Mega 8K! It was really easy to set up and the prints come out looking fantastic. Sonic Mega 8K yes
The Sonic Mega 8K is a total game-changer for my projects! The speed, precision, and quality of the prints are all top-notch. Sonic Mega 8K yes
The Sonic Mega 8K is one of the best 3D printers I've ever used. The build volume, speed, and accuracy are all incredible, and it's really reliable. Sonic Mega 8K yes
Great printer once you learn to make strong supports. Sonic Mega 8K yes
I have used it to create many Cos props, and this year I decided to use it to create my son's Halloween costume. Sonic Mega 8K yes
Difficult to clean out the holes in the bed, especially with clear materials. Slowest resin printer I own (50% slower than Mini 4K and Mini 8K). Sonic Mega 8K yes
The printer was ok, but I had a build issue with the screen and the support was the worst. Sonic Mighty 4K no
I love the printer. It's high quality and the print quality is great. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
I like to print some tools that can be used in daily life. Although the detail of Mighty 4K is not particularly high, it is more than enough for me. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
For non-professional players, this one is enough. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
good Sonic Mighty 4K yes
It's great, it's not the latest model, but it's enough to make toys for my kids. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
I have a very positive impression of the Phrozen Sonic Mighty 4K 3D Resin Printer. It has a very high print quality and its design is also very simple and user-friendly. Its operation is also very easy, allowing me to quickly complete printing tasks. In addition, its price is also very reasonable, a Sonic Mighty 4K yes
very good resolution Sonic Mighty 4K yes
I've been blown away by the Sonic Mighty 8K printer! It's really easy to use and always performs reliably, which makes it a joy to work with. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
Love the large build plate, love the support for .CBTv4, love the 53 micron pizel size. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
Great printer...I have it for about a year and everything worked perfect so far...hope Phrozen will keep up a good work in the future ❤️ Sonic Mighty 4K yes
The Sonic Mighty 4K is a really impressive printer! It's easy to set up and the prints come out looking great. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
Except the 1-time issue, very satisfied Sonic Mighty 4K yes
I like to print some small tools or decorations that I can use daily, so its volume can meet various needs, and I think it's great. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
great 4k printer with a medium print size. if the price was cheaper it would have been much better. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
Great. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
Impressive machine with high-quality prints. Its large build volume allows for more ambitious projects. However, its price point may not be suitable for those on a tight budget. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
As an amateur 3D printing enthusiast, I was impressed with the performance of the Sonic Mighty 4K. It delivers high-quality prints with great details, and the customer support was responsive and helpful in assisting me with any issues. Sonic Mighty 4K yes
Was a great mid sized printer Sonic Mighty 4K yes
It's a good printer but needs a lot of fiddling, which for the price isn't recommend worthy. although this is my only printer so this review is heavily scewed by it being my only expirience Sonic Mighty 8K no
massive disappointment especially after how good the mini 8k was Sonic Mighty 8K no
huge disappointment after coming from what a great machine the mini 8k was, i will be moving to the saturn 2 8k instead for my workshop Sonic Mighty 8K no
I like to print multi-part models, and using Mighty 8K allows me to print multiple parts at once, saving time. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
I really appreciate the high capacity, which means I can print more than just a few things at once. And the design is so delicate that you can't even tell it was printed at all—it looks like an expensive piece of art! Sonic Mighty 8K yes
I like to print small items, with Sonic Mighty 8K I can print a lot of small items at once while retaining its fineness. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
I've been able to successfully complete a large number of tasks with this machine. It's very easy to use and I have no trouble with the precision. I have also been able to complete tasks that would take me hours with another 3D printer. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
I love that the printer is large, so you can print in larger sizes than you'd be able to with smaller printers. Also, it has a larger capacity, which means you'll be able to print more at once. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
The mighty 8k is easily the best printer I have used, the only issue I've had with the machine is the compression issue when trying to level it. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
I'm a big fan of the 3D printer. I use it for projects that require a lot of parts or a lot of precision. It's great for saving time and money, and the quality is amazing! Sonic Mighty 8K yes
I've been printing with my 3D printer for about a month now, and I absolutely love it. It's so easy to use that anyone can do it, and the quality is just incredible. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
The printer can be used for many projects at once and save time because it is not necessary to print one part at a time. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
It is very convenient to operate, and the fineness is also very high. I use it to print all the models now. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
It works great and I can use it for a long time. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
It's expensive for all the competitors but I don't own any of the competition. It just works. I have had zero issues with it period. The only issue I had was a hole got poked in the vat screen which was my fault for not clearing the vat between prints and it leaked on my screen. I then scratched my Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Very, makes me want to buy Mega and try it out. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Solid construction, easy to use, fantastic print results. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Great Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Printer got very good base quality. But 3 weeks is a horrible experience many fails no much helps. I experienced couple firmware issue (Phrozen team confirm fails is related for that) I use FDM printers also and compare for that software is terrible and no much option to change that. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
I think it's phenomenal and great for more experienced printers because of the large build volume. Though I had to return my first one due to Mechanical problems I immediately reordered another one. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
I love making miniature objects and I can print a lot of them at once Sonic Mighty 8K yes
It's a perfect printer for me. The resin price is rather high, so it's a burden. But the printer.I really like it. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
The printer is nice, most failures are my fault Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Sonic Mighty 8K is one of the best desktop 3D printers I have ever used. Its printing accuracy is very high, and it can create very detailed models, even in the smallest details.I also appreciate its printing speed and reliability, which allows me to complete my work faster. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
This printer is great, it prints perfectly every time. The quality of the prints is sharp and crisp. I definitely recommend this printer to miniatures lovers. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
The Sonic Mighty 8K is an excellent 3D printer that produces high-quality prints with incredible accuracy. Its large build volume allows for the creation of bigger designs, and the printing speed is still impressive despite the increased size. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
The Sonic Mighty 8K is a powerful 3D printer that packs a punch in terms of performance. It's easy to use and has a user-friendly touchscreen interface that simplifies the printing process. The printing bed is adjustable, which makes it more convenient for printing objects of different sizes. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
The Sonic Mighty 8K is a great investment for those who need a reliable and efficient 3D printer. Its ability to print with a wide range of materials, such as ABS, PLA, and TPU, makes it suitable for various projects. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Cons 1 should add LCD screen protection by default. (It is a must in my opinion) 2 the mobile app for the camera is a joke (for now) Pros everything else. This is a fantastic printer. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
The Sonic Mighty 8K is a really impressive machine. The build volume, speed, and accuracy are all excellent, and it's really easy to use. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Excelllent printer . Sonic Mighty 8K yes
I usually sell some small models I make myself, and with Mighty 8K, I can quickly produce my models, which is much faster than pure handmade. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
It can print models that are both large and have amazing details. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Fantastic machine with the best ui by far Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Good enough for Gundam model printing, but if you want to paint a big stuff that will take lat of time Sonic Mighty 8K yes
The Sonic Mighty 8K has been a game-changer for my 3D printing projects. The ultra-high resolution and large build volume allow me to create intricate and large-scale prints with amazing detail. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Slightly rushed product compared to other Phrozen offerings. Wifi and camera doesnt work and gimmiicky. Print time estimate still way low. Screen life not great. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
A little too pricey. More 8k options making this look dated. Missing features. Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Quality printer Sonic Mighty 8K yes
Giant work horse of a printer Sonic Mighty 8K yes
The FEP had to be replaced and the linear rail was clogged with corrosion inhibitor, causing some dragging. So, it needs some work out of the box. Sonic Mini no
Recommendation would be based on cost alone and positive experiences compared to expectation for the cost and outdated model. Sonic Mini yes
Very convenient to use. Sonic Mini yes
I don't usually print a lot, and although its details are not very good, for me it's just an affordable choice for occasionally printing some small things. Sonic Mini yes
feel great Sonic Mini yes
Great starter printer. Compact size, easy to use, and produces decent prints for its price. Highly recommended for beginners. Sonic Mini yes
I love the compact size and ease of use of the Sonic Mini. It's perfect for my hobbyist 3D printing needs and produces consistent and reliable prints. The affordability of this printer is also a big plus for me. Sonic Mini yes
Doesn't use ctb files so is slower Sonic Mini yes
Fixing this machine cost more than to buy better one. AWFUL printer with decent qualyty. Sonic Mini 4K no
There are much better options now. New builds of this machine might be fine but I'd choose another manufacturer based on my experience with their customer service. Sonic Mini 4K no
The print quality is very good, but I seem to have to print much more slowly than on my Anycubic Photon Mono in order to avoid failures. That, combined with the UV array failure and the poor customer support, means I would not recommend. Sonic Mini 4K no
There is too much flex in the bed mounting on this printer. Sonic Mini 4K no
I've seen many iterations for this model, so some had different features like sandblasted-like build-late like on mine, whereas others had a polished one. The build-late is not very stable when lifting the Z-axis, but it's not a big of a problem most of the time if the printed model is well supporte Sonic Mini 4K yes
i did buy the upgraded build arm, and wish the z rail was a bit stiffer like my mini 8k Sonic Mini 4K yes
In line with budget Sonic Mini 4K yes
I am an amateur player, and this Sonic Mini 4K can meet my needs. Sonic Mini 4K yes
very convenient Sonic Mini 4K yes
It's very convenient and easy to use Sonic Mini 4K yes
The best part is - there was not struggle. It just worked from the first print. The only issues I had so far were with resins, not the printer. Sonic Mini 4K yes
It's great and I've used it to print a lot of festive decorations. Sonic Mini 4K yes
Very convenient, I can print all kinds of miniature models all day long. Sonic Mini 4K yes
I've been printing for days and it's still working fine. Sonic Mini 4K yes
While this was *my* first printer, I wouldn't reccomend it as a first for most people. It's not the easiest to dial in, and the touch screen is annoyingly small, but if you already have experience printing and just need a small factor printer for small one off prints, it prints amazingly sharp. Sonic Mini 4K yes
It is a good printer and the price is ok, however, the shipping cost and the taxes from Taiwan to France are extremely expensive. And impossible to ship any Phrozen product to Colombia in South America. (I live 6 months in Colombia and 6 months in France) Sonic Mini 4K yes
Good Sonic Mini 4K yes
Not bad. Sonic Mini 4K yes
8K is out now. So I will go for the 8K instead. Sonic Mini 4K yes
Excellent printer used with Easycast 200 produces outstanding results for casting in brass Sonic Mini 4K yes
Chitubox is truly horrible to use, after a lot of frustrations I paid for another slicer. Som minor useability improvmemts needed, bit overall a good machine. Sonic Mini 4K yes
It has served me well for a couple years with no issues whatsoever. It has a very fair price as well. Sonic Mini 4K yes
I have 2. I've replaced the z axis screw and motor on my oldest one as an upgrade. I also own a sonic mega 8k Sonic Mini 4K yes
Superb build quality in general, although the stock FEP that came with the vat is probably way too sticky without any extra treatments, making that "bong" noise every layer and sometimes causes fresh out of the vat prints to warp. So it isn't a perfect out of the box printing experience. Sonic Mini 4K yes
The finished product was even better than I thought it would be. Sonic Mini 4K yes
The operating interface is straightforward and I can start printing almost immediately Sonic Mini 4K yes
This machine is great! It not only performs, but it also looks amazing. The price and the quality make this a wonderful investment for my studio. Sonic Mini 4K yes
It was my first 3D printer I loved it so much I have ordered a sonic mighty 8K Sonic Mini 4K yes
I'm mainly printing models for games or display. The quality amazes me, I'm impressed what this consumer product can make. I would love to see a 4K resin that got some flex so the models is not that fragile. Sonic Mini 4K yes
I really like using the Sonic Mini 4K. Its user interface is very simple and easy to understand, allowing me to easily start 3D printing from scratch. I am very satisfied with its printing results, as it can create very delicate models. Sonic Mini 4K yes
The Sonic Mini 8K is a great entry-level printer! It's affordable, easy to use, and the prints come out really well. Sonic Mini 4K yes
It is easy to use and cheap Sonic Mini 4K yes
The Sonic Mini 4K is a reliable and affordable printer that produces great results for small to medium-sized prints. Sonic Mini 4K yes
First printer, learnt the ropes on it. Upgraded with Z axis kit after spilling resin on the Z stepper motor Sonic Mini 4K yes
This is my first 3D printer, and I have printed a lot of models with it. To be honest, I'm starting to consider upgrading to a higher resolution and larger volume machine, but if it's for beginners, I still recommend this one. Sonic Mini 4K yes
put extra lcd protector on lcd screen is a must, even though it's new Sonic Mini 4K yes
I recently purchased the Sonic Mini 4K 3D printer and I'm thrilled with its performance! The print quality is amazing, with fine details and smooth surfaces. Sonic Mini 4K yes
Design does not protect electronics from resin leaks or spills, disappointingly easy fail point, not great for impatient novice Sonic Mini 4K yes
Very inconsistent build quality. Non functioning antialiasing along the x axis that it seems affects all Sonic Mini 8K printers. Sonic Mini 8K no
The best printing quality for an LCD printer, bad building quality for the price tag, not recommended for anyone who doesn't like (or have experience with) figuring out how to fix their printer's factory issues. Sonic Mini 8K no
I am very satisfied with his details Sonic Mini 8K yes
No matter how small the details are, it will clearly print them out Sonic Mini 8K yes
Last time I printed a humanoid model, it even printed the texture of the skin. Sonic Mini 8K yes
I like to print models, but I only have a small studio. This printer is just right in it. Although it can't print too big objects, its fineness is unmatched by other machines. Sonic Mini 8K yes
I would recommend this printer over the 4k for minis Sonic Mini 8K yes
Excellent Sonic Mini 8K yes
This is my current favorite machine! It is easy to operate and has high precision. Eighty percent of the models in my home are printed with it. Sonic Mini 8K yes
I'm excited about the high precision feature. I've heard about some printers that have limited accuracy, but this one is really accurate. Sonic Mini 8K yes
The printed result is great, I could never imagine this kind of detail could be created by a home use machine Sonic Mini 8K yes
Till this day is the best printer I've ever had for miniatures even compared with industrial machines like tiger hd this printer is pure gold Sonic Mini 8K yes
Reliable, high quality printer. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Although only small items can be printed, the detail is excellent. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Excellent printer. Primarily used with castable resins for fine jewelry in a retail setting. Print quality and castings are on par with my suppliers with printers 10-20 times more expensive. Sonic Mini 8K yes
It is a fantastic printer and does a fantastic job for the small detail parts I am printing. Sonic Mini 8K yes
It can print in great detail, very well. Sonic Mini 8K yes
I would recommend however, not for beginners. I still have issue with it. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Great Sonic Mini 8K yes
Great price and printing experience for this 8K printer. The details of the prints are satisfying. Sonic Mini 8K yes
We have two printers, ordered at different times (gap x months). Funny because a lot of the parts are made differently, but it doesn't affect the use that much. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Really sturdy and good engineering Sonic Mini 8K yes
I can't blame Phrozen for how couriers handle their packages. The cracked mirror was probably rough handling by couriers as the box was damaged. But it was well wrapped which minimised damage and the repair was quick and easy. The printers great! Sonic Mini 8K yes
I think it's fantastic it's just small enough for someone starting out. the quality is unmatched by any other printer. Thank you vog for your videos I watched a hundred times before I bought mine and i've never been happier. Sonic Mini 8K yes
The printer has had no problems since I bought it last year. The printing quality is great. Sonic Mini 8K yes
It looks great sitting in the studio. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Awesome printer. Detail is unreal, solid construction, easy menu structure. Sonic Mini 8K yes
The printed product is very delicate, I am very satisfied. Sonic Mini 8K yes
It has high printing accuracy and can create very complex models. However, I hope that its printing size can be larger so that I can create larger models. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Print volume is a little too small for certain statues, but it's a great printer overall, maybe not really for statue printing use though lol, would recommend if you're interested in something smaller Sonic Mini 8K yes
The Sonic Mini 8K is a total pro when it comes to 3D printing. It creates really smooth and detailed prints at lightning speed, making it perfect for delicate designs and small models. Sonic Mini 8K yes
The Sonic Mini 8K is a super dependable and user-friendly 3D printer that's definitely worth the price tag. It's small and quiet, so you can use it at home or in the office without disturbing anyone. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Amazing. Print quality is high. Took a while to configure everything in the settings, but when you get a good print, it looks unbelievable. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Compare to other printer that I bought from other brand, in term of build quality, reliability, and its overall performance (the print results), Mini 8K is by far the best. Sonic Mini 8K yes
The Sonic Mini 8K is a great choice for small to medium-sized prints. The speed and accuracy are both impressive for a printer in this price range. Sonic Mini 8K yes
I love the details of Mini 8K printing, and recently I use it almost every day to print various miniatures. Sonic Mini 8K yes
It can be used to print my miniature furniture. Even if it's printed very small, the details are still visible. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Excellent printer at an affordable price! I'm very impressed with the print quality. Only downside is the expensive lcd screen. Luckily, mine is still in top condition. I can't comment on the customer service yet since this is my first Phrozen printer and the machine is working properly. Sonic Mini 8K yes
I really like its details. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Incredible detail and resolution. The prints are amazing, especially for miniatures and small models. It is a bit slower compared to other models, but the quality is well worth the wait. Sonic Mini 8K yes
It's very detail. Sonic Mini 8K yes
I think it's cute to print small objects! Sonic Mini 8K yes
As a hobbyist 3D printer user, the Sonic Mini 8K has been a great addition to my collection. The high-resolution prints and fast print speed make it a reliable and efficient choice for my projects. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Neat little hi res printer that does what Phrozen claims it does. Sonic Mini 8K yes
This is my first 3D printer, would recommend to anyone. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Dependable repeatable print results. Sonic Mini 8K yes
I had a terrible time dialing it in but great printer Sonic Mini 8K yes
Had to follow Dennys wangs tape mod Sonic Mini 8K yes
This is still the pinnacle of printing. The machine is top quality and quiet. It prints better than any other machine I have seen. Additionally the community is very seasoned and able to help resolve questions. Sonic Mini 8K yes
An excellent printer with unsurpassed quality, it's not really worth it as an "only" printer due to it's small size, but it's awesome for minis. Sonic Mini 8K yes
Mine was called a Shuffle XL. That was not listed on the options so I picked the closest I could find. Sonic XL 4K no
The speed of printing probably offsets the fact I had to pay 15% more on arrival to fix the printer for me. But if you are not prepared to fix any fault that goes wrong at your own expense this definitely isn't the company to buy from. Sonic XL 4K yes




IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION : The information, data and comments pertaining to the 3D Resin Printer Experience were gathered from individuals claiming to be genuine owners / users of the said printers. Whilst every effort is taken to remove bogus entries, I can offer no guarantee to its accuracy. Currently there is insufficient data available for any truly reliable conclusions to be reached and thus readers are advised to perform their own research. Any opinions stated within the realms of this data don’t necessarily reflect my own views, and whilst I’ve strived to keep the content “family friendly,” it’s possible things slip through. As such discretion is advised. If you have any concerns, then please don't hesitate to contact me.