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3D Resin Printers - Longer Feedback

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Very good beginner printer, cheap and with a very good printing quality Orange 10 yes
It's a decent enough starter printer, I suppose, but considering the cost is seemingly never going down, you'd likely be better off buying a name brand. Orange 30 no
it was good at the time for the price but is showing it's age and with most resin manufacturers not making profiles for it and the non standard file format. I wouldn't recommend buying it now Orange 30 no
It only needed a simple modification (a cheap W1209) to keep the temperature stable, and it became an excellent printer. But I answered the survey with my experience before the modification. Orange 30 yes
A workable bargain printer. screen and software response sluggish with hardware only meeting basic expectations. functions as desired but no frills here Orange 30 yes
Standard build quality but needs better QA before shipping. I just had to fiddle with the cable running to the display and it started working correctly. Orange 4K no
It's a decent printer. Comparable to more expensive options. Would recommend to those unable to afford “name brand” 4K printers. Orange 4K yes




IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION : The information, data and comments pertaining to the 3D Resin Printer Experience were gathered from individuals claiming to be genuine owners / users of the said printers. Whilst every effort is taken to remove bogus entries, I can offer no guarantee to its accuracy. Currently there is insufficient data available for any truly reliable conclusions to be reached and thus readers are advised to perform their own research. Any opinions stated within the realms of this data don’t necessarily reflect my own views, and whilst I’ve strived to keep the content “family friendly,” it’s possible things slip through. As such discretion is advised. If you have any concerns, then please don't hesitate to contact me.