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3D Resin Printers - Epax Feedback

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I think this printer needed more development and testing before release. Initial print quality was unusable for my purposes. In retrospect I would have bought the Elegoo Saturn. E10-4K no
Road has only ever been fully communicative and supportive. I ONLY buy from them. E10-4K yes
the larger printer has some issues with sticking to the plate and rando resin fails that I don't have with my phrozen brand printers. I don't have 8k mega to compare but i may buy that one to see if it has more constant and reliable results E10-8K yes
This was one of the first generation printers and had a 2k resolution and a colour screen. It came pre-levelled so you could start printing straight away. Built like a tank with an all metal construction. With 4k and 8k printers now commonplace I can not recommend this 2k version X1 no
Great sound printer that I have upgraded twice, first with better light array, second with 4K screen, adding life and enhanced resolution to my printer without having to replace the whole printer! X1 yes
In my opinion the X1 platform has the best build quality of any machine in it's class. These are commercial grade printers that deliver consistent results. X1-4K yes
Bought for the screen resolution and metal enclosure, has been a solid printer since. X1-4K yes
its really noisy and not as reliable as my other printers. i dont use it much any more unless i really need a bunch of parts and all printers are being used X1-4KS no
Built very well but its showing its age compared to newer printers, 2k color screen, without upgrade. After calibrating it just works. X1-Classic yes
Over priced, lower Print quality than other machines I use. X10-8K no
at the time i would recommend it, but with 8k mono available now i would say yes to epax but no to the x1k and go for a different model. especially considering older epax models have an upgrade path but NOT the X1k due to its odd LCD size. X1K yes
Great printer when it was new. X1K yes
For the cheaper end of the market, it has worked well. All metal construction well packaged and has been reliable. I do get some warping of big thick prints I don't get on the ‘Prusa SL1' but for miniatures and small prints it has been well used with zero issues with levelling etc... X1K yes
I would recommend this printer for a small 4k printer, as it worked right out of the box. The only failures I've had were due to my support placements. However, there are many new inexpensive printers that are better due to the technological improvements that have been made since this one's release. X1K yes




IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION : The information, data and comments pertaining to the 3D Resin Printer Experience were gathered from individuals claiming to be genuine owners / users of the said printers. Whilst every effort is taken to remove bogus entries, I can offer no guarantee to its accuracy. Currently there is insufficient data available for any truly reliable conclusions to be reached and thus readers are advised to perform their own research. Any opinions stated within the realms of this data don’t necessarily reflect my own views, and whilst I’ve strived to keep the content “family friendly,” it’s possible things slip through. As such discretion is advised. If you have any concerns, then please don't hesitate to contact me.